I am inspired by the creative and curious minds of children. I love the way they investigate everything they come across. I love the way they learn from their new experiences and the way they change so quickly.
Keeping these curious and creative minds busy, can be quite hard work and I hope that these pages will inspire you to show your kids interesting things and do all sorts of activities with them. I am sure you already know a lot of the stuff I will post here. It’s really just an excuse for me to look in the dusty corners of my mind to find cool things for the kids to do.
I had to start the blog today because there are two things I must tell you. Firstly I found the first snow drop of the year in my garden at the weekend. Spring is on its way!
Secondly while we still have very dark mornings, you must look out of a south facing window just before the sun comes up. See that very bright star? It’s not a star at all, it is the planet Venus! Isn’t it beautiful?